About me

Image of Katharina Sternbauer
Enthusiastic Determined Cooperative Little bit geeky

Katharina Sternbauer

I'm a software engineer, a data scientist concerned with data warehouses, tech-enthusiast and tech-geek in terms of PC components, hardware review editor and student. All of this in my mid-twenties. Original 97', gaming with a passion, open for new challenges and a heckishly queer person.

I was born and raised in Freistadt, which is a small, yet very lovely town in a beautiful region called Mühlviertel in Upper Austria. Part of my burning passion for tech-related stuff can be easily traced back to my father. It was with him that I built my first PC and took my first steps in the world of computers.

To take this interest further, I made the decision to the HTL Paul-Hahn Linzer Technikum in the Computer Science department. That was in fall of 2012. Just five years later, I passed my A-levels (Matura) in the summer of 2017 with distinction. After nine months of community service at the kindergarten in Freistadt I took the step and enrolled myself for the Bachelors program of Computer Science at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Upper Austria. In March 2022, I officially got my Bachelors degree. Already in the fall of 2021, I started taking my first courses of the Data Science masters program, which are finished as of 2023. Beginning with September 2023, I started working on my master thesis focusing on adaptive ETL processes in data warehousing and will hopefully finished in the summer of 2024.
At the end of the study year 2022/2023, I joined the VSSTÖ and have become and activist in Linz. I try to bring in my skills in computer science as good as I can and broaden my knowledge on other topics such as feminism, workers rights, unions, economics and social issues.

As a dorm resident in KHG (Katholische Hochschulegemeinde) Franz Jägerstätter, I am a member of the network admin team. We manage the server and network infrastructure, help people with their computer troubles and are the first dorm members to help give newcomers a warm welcome. Also we are kind of tech-savvy in our own ways.
Besides, I was one of four dorm speakers in the study year of 2022/23. As such, this team is the connection between residents and management, help with preparations and execution of events and are just there for the people. We also, with another team, organized a very successfully summer festival at our dorm.

Besides my academic career and university life, I do enjoy reading, music and good food. For a couple of years know, I have been a more or less active member of the catholic youth in Upper Austria, both taking part in events as well offering knowledge and workforce as a helping hand. I am a former freelance editor for the German tech-portal tech-review.de, or in short TRV. Additionally, I call myself a big fan for the Duckburg universe and I am in love with small ABS plastic bricks. In case you'd like to know more about this and me, feel free to read about my personal interests.

And from time to time, I have the urge, or am simply forced by a lecture, to write some program or develop another interesting solution to a problem. Those university exercises which have also caught my personal interest are shown below.

Curriculum Vitae

Below is a listing of the most important facts about my experiences, formal education and skills, followed by a link to download the complete CV as a PDF file.


  • Data Warehouse Engineer, Master Thesis

    DWH engineer to integrate adaptive ETL processes for Data Warehousing. Part-time employement

  • Primetals Austria PTAT

    Software Engineer for Continuous Casting Machines - Working with Eclipse SWT and Java to develop software for casting machine design

  • Technician at JKU

    Responsible at the Institute for Digital Business for hardware maintenance, server and software management, technical assistant for exams

  • Primetals Austria PTAT #1

    Software Engineer for Continuous Casting Machines - Design and implementation of internal software tools in Java for designing casting machines

  • Student assistant at JKU

    Institute for Integrated Circuits / Institute of Telecooperation

  • Internship Primetals Austria

    Software Engineer for Continuous Casting Machines - Implementation of smaller software parts for internalsoftware tools to design casting machines

  • Compulsory internships

    Stiwa Group and Technosert - Implementation of backup tools, home automation visualisations and hardware manufacturing


  • MSc programm for Computer Science

    Data Science Masters programm for Computer Science at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Upper Austria

  • BSc programm for Computer Science

    Bachelors programm for Computer Science at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Upper Austria

  • Community service - kindergarten assistant

    Pfarrcaritas Kindergärten Freistadt

  • High Technical College (HTL) Linz Paul-Hahn-Straße

    Computer Science / Information Technology - A-Levels passed with distinction

  • Elementary school and lower level grammar school in Freistadt


  • Programming languages and IT skills
    Java, C, C#, VHDL, JS, SQL, Data Warehousing, Python, x86/MIPS Assembly, JUnit, Shell-Scripting, Linux
  • Office & Docs
    LaTex, Markdown, Knowledge Systems, Word, Excel, Powerpoint
  • Interests
    Rust, Automatisation, Testing and Verification, Linux, Cryptography, Embedded and small-scale systems, remote management, data security and backups
  • Languages
    German (native speaker), English (B2/C1)

Get my CV

Download the whole CV as a PDF file, written in LaTeX

Download CV

My Projects

Throughout the last several years where I have actually done programming, some interesting ideads began to form. A few selected projects have also made it into a public repository which I'd like to feature.

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AirBnB Barcelona Visualization

Python Jupyter Lab Geopandas

As part of the exercise track of "Visual Analytics" at JKU, we had to take a deep dive into data anlysis including static plotting, correlation and getting new insights with techniques such as PCA and clustering.

To Github
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Raspi soil moisture detector

Python Shell SQL

As part of the exercise track of "Embedded and Pervasive System" at JKU, we implemented an detection and alarm system for your beloved plants which monitores the soils moisture levels and saves the data into a simple database

To Github Watch Demo
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Bachelor thesis implementation

C Make

My bachelor thesis revolved around the topic of hash-based signature systems and its performance evaluation. To do such, the Leighton-Micali signature scheme was chosen and additional features like time measurement or bulk operations were added to the reference implementation.

To Github
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Computer Street Parade

Javascript WebGL Blender

As part of the exercise track of "Computer Graphics" at JKU, we had to create our very own 30 second long video. As a part of the requirement a particle effect as well as a level of detail system were implemented. Bonus part: Very much queer

To Github Watch Video
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MicroJava compiler

Java JUnit

As part of the exercise track of "Übersetzerbau" at JKU, we had to write our own compiler for the MicroJava language. The ready-to-use implementation additionally features labeled loops

To Github
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This webpage

HTML CSS Javscript

The source for this webpage is also freely available. It uses Bootstrap 5, directly loaded from a CDN, as its CSS framework and utilizes very little custom CSS and JavaScript for some smaller refinements.

To Github

Personal Interests

Apart from all the funky stuff I try to do with coding, there are some other interest which I'd like to share here.

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Since 2014, I am writing reviews and sometimes news article for the German webpage Tech-Review, or Short TRV, which focusses on computer hardware of all kind. I am especially curious about all kind of air cooling, keyboards and smaller gadgets. In addition, doing stuff with the Raspberry Pi or providing some basic knowledge about Linux systems to my colleagues is always a pleasure.

To Tech-Review
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The (Mc)Ducks and Duckburg

My love for a very special comic universe, filled with the richest duck, his unlucky nephew and the three smart grandnephews is nearly as old as I am. Long before I could actually read, I enjoyed viewing the pictures and building the world in my head. In the later years, I grew fond of the stories from the original creator, Carl Barks, and especially of Don Rosa. I would highly advice you to check out "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck", which tells a beautiful story on how Scrooge McDuck became what he is.

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Apart from comics, a very big part of my childhood consists of bricks. Plastic ABS bricks to be specific, coming in different forms, shapes and colours. Yes, it is about the Lego bricks and its derivates. Bionicle, the Technic series, Star Wars, Knights Kingdom, Exo Force ... They were all there. I just loved playing and combining sets as a kid and even today I just enjoy building models. However, due to various reasons I shifted away a bit from Lego (the brand) to other brands and distributors such as Xingbao and Bluebrixx which have excellent sets as well. Check them out.

  • Student of Computer Science
  • Student employee at Primetals
  • Freelance editor for Tech-Review
  • Katharina Sternbauer 2023
  • All rights reserved
  • Linz, Upper Austria